“Dr. Begin Again”

Ron Nahser is Managing Partner of Corporantes, Inc. Over the past 25 years, Ron has developed the Pathfinder Pragmatic Inquiry® and the accompanying Corporantes Pathfinder Notebook© proving its effectiveness from corporate, academic, organizational and personal perspectives.

As you have read earlier, pragmatic inquiries have a beginning hypothesis – an answer/assumption to their Challenge/question – and then go through the various steps of the inquiry testing that hypothesis and concluding with new insights into values purpose and goals and strategies they should implement. 

However, as we all know as soon as the action begins barriers and issues arise.  Since Ron has raised this so often over the years he has often been called “Dr. Begin Again”, highlighting the importance of the continuum of the arc of inquiry.

This follows John Dewey’s definition of education as “the continuous reconstruction of experience. ”

(He is also known by students as “Dr. Ron”, in honor of entering academia earning his PhD at age 55, referred to by faculty at that time as a “late bloomer.”)

He is the author of Learning to Read the Signs, and Journeys to Oxford, and co-editor of Praxiology and Pragmatism.

He also has contributed articles for books such as the Value Inquiry Book Series as well as numerous journals including Perspectives: The Journal of the World Business Academy and The Journal of Business Ethics. Ron lectures worldwide on the subjects of business values, vision, branding and marketing strategy, and social responsibility.